Author: Rick Sheer

NGS will now end daily reporting – please contact: to discuss any specific requirements.   Sudan Conflict – Update

As part of China’s flagship ‘belt and road initiative’, the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has formed the keystone of

On 27 July, following months of political stagnation, tension among Shia protestors boiled, and thousands breached the secure Green Zone

Territorial revisionism pursued by Russia in Ukraine raises questions over the prospect of similar policies being pursued elsewhere. Amid souring

Imran Khan’s Exit   Following the previous government’s mismanagement over a worsening economic and living crisis, Imran Khan was ousted

AMERCIAS   BRAZIL 07 September – Bicentennial anniversary of independence Mass demonstrations marking 200 years of independence are likely. As

Beijing’s “zero-COVID” policy has drawn worldwide attention and criticism, particularly as evidence suggests that the virus itself started in China.

Background   Fierce fighting has intensified along the Colombia-Venezuela border over the last two weeks. Bloody clashes between rival paramilitary

As politicians all over the world gather to prepare for the year ahead, COVID-19 will retain its place at the

Two connected border situations: Belarus-Poland and Russia-Ukraine As many as 4,000 Middle Eastern migrants (primarily from Iraqi Kurdistan, Syria and