Current Events and Considerations


The activity in Turkish regional politics coupled with volatile economic activity from the Turkish Lira should be taken into consideration when predicting potential impact this could have on persons visiting Turkey for business or leisure.


Both political and economic activity are a direct result of, or influenced by the current leadership within Turkey and its relationships with external governments and investors for various reasons. A falling Turkish Lira, rising inflation and growing unemployment, especially amongst the youth, has increased wider discontent.


The recent municipal elections resulted in the Republican People’s Party (CHP/opposition) being cited as the likely victors in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir (unofficial initial results). These results however have been challenged by the ruling AKP (Justice and Development party) and results will not be announced until next week (8th April onwards).


As has previously been the case, sudden and and immediate state activity and action in response to a changing political scene and opposition should not be completely counted out at any given time.


Whether you are is visiting Istanbul on business or attending a holiday in Antalya, it is advised to stay up to date with current developments and news.


It is likely that a trouble free trip will be undertaken however, the situation can change quickly and the below considerations should be noted (not exhaustive):


Consider airport/flight routes in and out of Turkey beyond that of your already established transit routes (as well as road routes dependent on your location).

Consult with your in country source of information/tour operator before and during trip if there is any sort of escalation domestically or internationally.

Liaise with your own risk and travel management system to make sure it meets the criteria required once there has been an escalation in events.

Be geographically aware of the area you are visiting. Hospitals, road routes, open areas, police stations and military compounds. Where is  your accommodation in relation to these locations?

Carry a short list of valuable phone numbers (Employer, security manager, department senior, in country manager, Turkey FCO and assistance company) and ensure your mobile phone is always sufficiently charged.

Depending on your own attitude to risk, it may be worth carrying your passport (or at least a duplicate) with an adequate amount of Turkish Lira, Euros or USD.


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