The Program

The NGS Travel Risk Management Internship Program offers a unique interdisciplinary 10-week work placement designed to provide experience for aspiring professionals in the travel risk management industry. Our interns have successfully transitioned into roles within NGOs, multinational corporations, and higher education institutions following their time with us.

During the internship, participants work closely with our Security Travel Risk Management (STRM) Department. Here, they gain hands-on experience in helping our clients navigate an increasingly volatile world safely and confidently. The internship equips them with the necessary skills to work in the travel risk management industry, exposing them to professionals from different disciplines including tracking, security, and risk management. Additionally, it helps them start forming a professional, industry-relevant network.

In January 2024, we launched the NGS Travel Risk Management Internship Program, welcoming some of the most talented and dedicated interns we’ve had the pleasure of hosting. This program is a testament to our commitment to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles and our dedication to fostering social responsibility.

Diversity and Inclusion in Travel Risk Management

The NGS Travel Risk Management Internship Program offers a unique interdisciplinary 10-week work placement designed to provide experience for aspiring professionals in the travel risk management industry. Our interns have successfully transitioned into roles within NGOs, multinational corporations, and higher education institutions following their time with us.

During the internship, participants work closely with our department. Here, they gain hands-on experience in helping our clients navigate an increasingly volatile world safely and confidently. The internship equips them with the necessary skills to work in the travel risk management industry, exposing them to professionals from different disciplines including tracking, security, and risk management. Additionally, it helps them start forming a professional, industry-relevant network.

Addressing Industry Challenges with the Travel Risk Management Internship

Internships and volunteer placements are crucial for entering the travel risk management industry. However, many firms offer informal internships based on direct outreach from candidates, which can perpetuate bias and reinforce social imbalances. This favours those with connections and confidence over true capability. These issues motivated NGS to create our Travel Risk Management Internship Program to ensure that opportunities are based on merit and to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive talent pool.


At NGS, we are deeply committed to addressing traditional gaps in the travel risk management industry and ensuring that our efforts are representative of the diverse society we help keep safe while travelling and operating in challenging environments. By fostering a diverse and inclusive culture, we strive to level the playing field and ensure that success in the travel risk management labour pool is determined by capability, not background. Through this program, we aim to nurture future industry professionals who are well-equipped with the necessary skills, knowledge, and professional networks to excel in their careers, thereby doing what we can to contribute to a more equitable and inclusive industry.

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