At NGS – Northcott Global Solutions, we provide comprehensive, turn-key risk consultancy services tailored to your unique operational needs. Our team of highly trained and experienced professionals is ready to deploy globally, supporting client operations with precision and dedication.

Expert Risk Consultancy Services

Global Expertise

Our specialists are seasoned in addressing the complexities of risk management across diverse environments—from remote locations to bustling urban centres.

Ex-Military Precision

Influenced by rigorous military training, our consultants bring a practical, direct approach to every project. Their adaptability ensures relevant and effective solutions.

Diverse Capabilities

Whether it’s crafting detailed evacuation plans, writing robust policies, or advising on-site, our expertise spans all aspects of risk management.

Plan Writing

Optimise your operations with NGS' bespoke plan writing services. Our tailored policies and crisis management frameworks ensure efficiency and compliance.

On-Site Consultancy

Enhance your operations with NGS' on-site consultancy. Our experts deliver tailored solutions and support, ensuring operational excellence.

Project Management

Drive your projects to success with NGS' expert project management. Leveraging military precision and a client-focused approach, we deliver excellent solutions.